What I Offer
The Human Brain Is Built To Learn!

Individual Functional Synthesis lessons
Functional Synthesis sessions are individual lessons that incorporate the 9 essentials and hands-on movement to bring about positive brain change. The practitioner works on creating the ideal conditions for the client to notice and take in new information in a way that the brain can utilize to gain better function. Clients are called students because, at its core, ABM is a learning modality. These lessons are done on a massage-like table in “mini intensives” with lessons happening two times a day over a period of two to five days. Each lesson lasts from twenty to forty-five minutes, depending on the threshold of the client.
Price per Lesson $150
Introductory Package $375

Transformational Movement Lessons
TML lessons are verbally guided lessons that are grounded in a functional theme and go through variations of movement with the goal of bringing about new relevant information to the system in order to gain freedom and ease in movement. These can be done in a group or individually, in person, or on ZOOM. TML's are a great tool for helping individuals who are recovering from a stroke or surgery, who have chronic pain or repetitive movement injuries, or anyone seeking to enhance flexibility in both mind and body, to relieve pain, or to gain new skills, mental clarity, and an overall sense of well-being. Practitioners recommend lessons be done in a series of four or more. Lessons last anywhere from 45-60 minutes.
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Coaching sessions
Coaching sessions are available to support caregivers, aides, and teachers in creating an optimal environment for the learner to continue to upgrade and grow between lessons. With any approach that is new and unfamiliar, it takes both time and intentionality to implement. These coaching sessions are a way of supporting that process. The practitioner spends time observing the client’s interactions and then helps caregivers/teachers identify and build upon present abilities vs. limitations. Caregivers walk away with new ways of connecting with their learner and lots of practical advice on supporting their system, noticing differences, which create new connections and pathways in the brain..
Cost is $175 per hour